May communal life
enliven our faith, inspire our service,
and incarnate Christ’s love wherever we may be.

Thank You! Crown Cabaret Raises $460 for WHI
On Friday, August 11, a group of ECC parishioners had a ball attending Fr. Michael's Crown Cabaret. (Thanks, Steve Pero, for the great photos!) The charity receiving funds from the registration fees was the Women's Homeless Initiative (WHI), part of the Capitol Hill United Ministries. Diana Flahive, who has moved mountains in her time leading the WHI is certainly a local saint!

Connections & Collaborations
When Fr. Michael presides at Mass he often reminds us that we are blessed to be a blessing. We do this through our inclusive welcome and worship, our fellowship, and our acts of service and advocacy.
"In this we are a Eucharistic people,
the body of Christ incarnate,
the blood of Christ poured out for the life of the world."
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Collaborations with 6thAveUCC include our Sandwich Brigade's contributions to the Women's Homelessness Initiative, altar bread baking events, the Blessing of Animals on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, and special joint worship services.

Active with Colorado Faith Communities United to end gun violence, Colorado Ceasefire, and the Colorado Council of Churches,
we stand with sibling faith communities
as advocates for social justice on many fronts.
Fr. Michael attended One Colorado's 2023 LGBTQ+ Lobby Day at the State Capitol Bldg. A major focus was securing the rights of our trans siblings.

advocating for sensible gun regulations

advocating with the Colorado Council of Churches and other organizational colleagues to advance a moral economy, equity and the eradication of racism
The churches of our Rocky Mountain Region gather for prayer, fellowship, service and ecumenical engagement.

We regard the LGBTQIA+ members of our community as a blessing, honor their relationships, walk with those on a journey of self discovery, and stand with them in advocating for their rights in church and society.

Our Ecumenical Beginnings
For 18 years our Catholic community was blessed by the hospitality of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in the heart of Denver, and celebrated our evolution into one faith community worshiping in two traditions known as the St. Paul Lutheran and Catholic Community of Faith. Our partnership led to a historic agreement between the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod and the ECC churches of our shared region, providing a model of ecumenical collaboration in worship and mission.

Historic Regional
ECC/ELCA Dialogues

Welcomed into the ECC
With our community's charism for ecumenism, we discovered the Ecumenical Catholic Communion to be the perfect way to be church together. The ECC's challenge of radical eucharistic hospitality and its recognition of how the Spirit speaks through a "three-legged stool" (synodal shared governance of bishops, clergy and laity operating in balance through holy conversation) particularly resonated with us.

Bishop Kae's Consecration
With great joy, the Rocky Mountain Region of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC) called Mother Kae Madden as our first local Bishop.
After a formal affirmation of her election by the entire ECC at our national Holy Synod in July of 2020, she was consecrated on September 19 of that year. ECC Presiding Bishop, Francis Krebs, presided at the service, held at Bethany Lutheran Church in Cherry Hills Village, CO.

ECC Synod2022
The key to our being church together is that every member has a say in decisions about our common life. Every two years lay and clergy delegates from each community gather with our Council of Bishops to discern the movement of the Spirit.
This year in St. Louis we elected and consecrated
our third Presiding Bishop Paul Burson, succeeding Bishop Francis Krebs who in 2014 succeeded
our founding Bishop Peter Elder Hickman.

Presiding Bishop Pablo's Consecration Mass