St. Paul Denver ECC is one of 5 ECC churches in Colorado.
While each community is autonomous, we covenant together as the local church
under the leadership of our Rocky Mountain Regional Council
made up of lay and clergy representatives of our respective communities,
our elected local Bishop Kae Madden
and our Vicar of Ecumenical Engagement Fr. Michael Nicosia.
The voice of the Spirit within our communities guides
our holy conversations and consensus decision-making.
Fr. Don Sutton and Liz Begalla serve on the RMR Board representing
St. Paul Denver ECC,
While Fr. Michael, as regional vicar, is an ex-officio member.
Visit our siblings across the Region:
Church of the Holy Family
8811 E. Hampden Ave, Suite 101, Denver, CO 80321
Mass 10am Sundays
Church of the Beloved
at Northglenn United Church of Christ
10500 Grant Dr, Northglenn, CO 80233
Mass 5pm Saturdays
Light of Christ Ecumenical Catholic Community
at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1000 W. 15th Ave, Longmont, CO 80501
Mass 5pm Saturdays and 9am Wednesdays
Mary of Magdala Community
with their 301 Faith Partners
Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
301 E. Stuart St, Fort Collins, CO 80525
Mass 12:30pm Sundays

A recording of our Regional educational seminar
ECC 101
can be found on the Rocky Mountain Region's home page.
The Rocky Mountain Region of the ECC is a covenanting member of the
Walking together in faith, working together for justice is the mission of
our covenanting denominations, congregations and affiliated partners
as they come together to be the Colorado Council of Churches (CCC).
Together the member denominations of the Colorado Council of Churches can be a clearer voice and stronger witness for justice for all of God’s children than any one denomination can be by itself.
Our ECC Region's Bishop Kae Madden serves on the CCC Judicator Board, while our Vicar of Ecumenical Engagement, Fr. Michael Nicosia, chairs the CCC Board of Directors. May Newsletter
SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY AT THE STATE CAPITAL. In its fourth year, “Faithful Thursdays” is a diverse coalition of leaders, organizations and community members who are committed to adding a deeper, moral dimension to the public policy-making process in Colorado. Our focus is to advance a faith narrative and collaborative process that supports a just economy, promotes equity, and eradicates racism in Colorado.
We will hold opening and closing multi-faith events, with some possible intermittent programming during each session of the Colorado General Assembly. www.cochurches.org

In 2021 we began worshipping at 6th and Adams
in the Capital Hill district of Denver,
welcomed by 6thAveUCC www.sixthavenueucc.org.
Still committed to being "in the city of good",
we were attracted to how active their community
is in both outreach to the surrounding
neighborhood and advocacy work with the same
social justice partners that we already had a
relationship with to extend our mission in the world.
We soon discovered that Pastor Chris Gilmore and the UCC community also have a passion for ecumenism,
and we began worshipping together for various feasts and ritual celebrations, e.g., Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, a blessing of animals, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Part of their celebration of the 100th Anniversary of their facility on 6th Ave is a project to make it fully accessible. For our part, on Sunday December 15th the St. Paul Community is hosting a holiday cabaret, "Let there be Joy!" with live and silent Auctions to benefit the cause! See our FLIER and follow this LINK for tickets!

We are proud to partner with
The mission of Capitol Hill United Ministries (CHUM) is to be a spiritual presence and resource in the inner city of Denver, to practice hospitality, to advocate for our neighbors in need, and to strengthen and sustain our member communities, particularly through effective communication and cooperation, enhancing the ministry of all.
The Women's Homelessness Initiative is a consortium of faith-based organization working together to give sanctuary and hospitality every night to women who would be on our streets. What WHI offers is a chance to have these women – our women – be known, heard and cared for with compassion, dignity, respect and presence of heart.
StP regularly disseminates Diana Flahive's newsletters, letting us know of the needs of the week. Check the link on the What's Happening page for the latest.

Called by called our shared belief in the sacredness of human life to protect and preserve it, we join
Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence (CFCU) is the only faith-based organization in Colorado dedicated to ending gun violence. As diverse faith communities, we work to reduce injuries, deaths, and the resulting grief caused by the improper use of firearms — whether suicidal, accidental, or criminal. We work together in areas where we can be most effective, including legislative advocacy, public health initiatives, public awareness, and increased engagement of our faith communities. www.cfcu-co.org​
The new Colorado State Legislative Session has begun!
We'll publish about bills of concern below as the House and Senate Committees consider them:
In order to support our faith-fueled action into the next decade, we are launching a new fundraising initiative: CFCU's Flight of Friends! Individuals, congregations, businesses and individuals are invited to donate TODAY!
Use this LINK to donate to CFCU. All who donate prior to September 7 will be recognized in the 10th Anniversary program and on our website, unless you ask to remain anonymous.
If you wish to support CFCU as a business or congregation, please donate using the link and also send your logo, official business or congregation name to communications@cfcu.org.
Moving forward, donations will accumulate annually and at the end of each year, our Flight of Doves will be recognized in a special way.
Colorado Ceasefire (www.coloradoceasefire.org) is the longest serving statewide, grassroots gun violence prevention organization in the State of Colorado. We are parents, teachers, students, community members, gun violence survivors and more who have been working for nearly twenty years to prevent and reduce gun violence in Colorado through education, outreach and legislative advocacy. Our efforts are making a difference. To subscribe to Colorado Ceasefire's newsletter, fill out the form found HERE.
Members of the ECC are engaged in regular holy conversation and relationship-building among other jurisdictions in the Independent and Old Catholic Movement in the United States and around the world.
Check out the ECC Synod2022 Keynote by Rev. Dr. Jayme Matthais to hear how the ECC Constellation appears in the Independent Catholic Night Sky.
Examples of our shared wisdom can be found in the quarterly publication https://extraordinarycatholics.faith/magazine
If you're looking for a welcoming and affirming Catholic community to worship with while traveling, visit https://en.everybodywiki.com/Independent_Catholic_Eucharistic_Communities